Premium Digital Marketing Package


Premium Digital Marketing Package

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $350.00.

Free Website Assistment, we believe that our Premium Digital Marketing Package will be good for your brand in which we will establish and manage the following operations:

  • Set up SEO (keywords and Meta tags) Cost: 100$
  • Improve website speed and performance to get a high score at Google than average. Cost: 50$
  • Create and Update social accounts, including banners, cover, and descriptions. Cost: 50$
  • Integrate and set up your brand at Google Business, Google Analytics & Google Admin to get more impressions. Cost: 50$
  • Get genuine reviews and 5-star ratings for your brand at trusted pilot and Google. Cost: 0$
  • Set up 3 blogs about your brand and product (It makes a better SEO Appearance) Cost: 50$
  • Setup 10 posters for your product/brand and 1 promotional video. Cost: 50$

Total Package Cost: 350$

Time to complete installation: 1 Month

Engage Team Member: 3 ( 1 Marketing, 1 Content Writer, 1 Graphic Designer)

We suggest you avail of all these services that will lead to an enhancement in overall website performance, almost all big brands have installed these features. But you can exclude the service’s from the above to reduce the amount, the services In the bold text are essentially required.

Complimentary From Us:

Besides all the above-listed features, we will have something complimentary for you:

  • We will share free access to our marketing software HashTager it searches public posts on social media websites including Facebook & Twitter and then it passes your promotional or marketing message to those people who would be discussing your keywords (Keywords: your product’s or service’s).
  • We will set up a backup of your website.
  • We will test the security of your website.
  • Setup your official emails (if required)
  • Retrieve your customers’ email addresses and send them emails about your product (3 emails)

Significant Impact of Getting Premium Package:

  • Google Map and information about your business will start to display on right side of the browser when someone searches for your brand.
  • Reviews/Ratings will make your brand credible.
  • SEO keywords/meta/blogs will put your brand in competition with those, who sell the same product in Kenya.
  • Website and Social Media Optimization

Total Package Cost: 350$

Time to complete installation: 1 Month

Engage Team Member: 3 ( 1 Marketing, 1 Content Writer, 1 Graphic Designer)



The best plan for a new start-up’s to complete the digital appearance of your brand. It has A-Z everything, Get significant impact in just one month.

Contact Us;

#businesswebsite #completewebsite #websitedeveloper #hosting #seo #websitepackages #websitedevelopment #ITServices #ITFirm #Promotion #Outsource #SocialMarketing #SocialMedia


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