The is the world of mobiles where all 6 persons out of 10 should hold a mobile phone device, even now mobile phones are not conserved a typical phone device but it is more than this what we call it a small computer in hand. That’s why nowadays mobile applications are producing in vast quantity each application that you previously used on your desktop or laptop now you will find a different variation of that same application on mobile with more and more features.
Another side of the mobile app is to build a mobile version of an existing website app which means companies want to offer their web services on mobile phones too in the shape of the mobile application. There is four kinds of mobile application which are commonly used:
- HTML-5 base app (This will allow your website to run on any mobile device in shape of app)
- Responsive site (This one is same like above but it will call responsive web app that will run with mobile browser)
- Android App (This is typical mobile app for all android devices, designed within the platform of android)
- IOS (This is app for apple mobile devices that will run on all apple devices)
If you’re looking to grab any kind of this app from above order your task with us:
Order Now!
Terms about Duration:
The time duration of your ordered project depends on your project requirement, we have to first determine what level your project has either a small website or large website with a lot of functionalities. You will receive overall time duration that your project will be held with the document that we will send you after a successful deal with you.
Terms about Payment:
We know trustiness issue in freelancing work it might be raised whether from client end or freelancer end, as a freelancer we offer the best way to our clients through which you can satisfy and you will not feel any worry about your cost and project as well. Like others we never ask for advance payment obviously, you will not pay us until you get yourself satisfy from our performance that’s why we divide the entire project in 3- different phases and after the accomplishment of each phase we will request to pay the partial amount from your total job amount. See phases below:
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