We’re sharing only Non-NDA sign projects with you, However we also hold some big projects which are NDA (Non-Discloser-Agreement) signed and we are bound to not publish those projects with anyone:
All projects described here are designed & developed by Aleem Ahmed Qureshi as individual.
[table td1=”#” td2=”Detail” td3=”URL”]
[td1] 1 [/td1] [td2] Business Site, wordpress customization [/td2] [td3]Eve Server [/td3]
[td1] 2 [/td1] [td2] Business Site, wordpress [/td2] [td3]Aghabilaw [/td3]
[td1] 3 [/td1] [td2] Business Site,wordpress [/td2] [td3]Southern-College [/td3]
[td1] 4 [/td1] [td2] Business Site, Responsive, Pure Coding [/td2] [td3]Wise-Present [/td3]
[td1] 4 [/td1] [td2] Real-Estate, Dual Language, WP/WPL [/td2] [td3]Spain-Real-Estate [/td3]
[td1] 5 [/td1] [td2] Business Site,wordpress [/td2] [td3]Flat To Proofing [/td3]
[td1] 6 [/td1] [td2] Business Site,wordpress [/td2] [td3]ExcellExhibit-Solution [/td3]
[td1] 7 [/td1] [td2] Business Site, PHP, Jquery [/td2] [td3]GTC-HD [/td3]
[td1] 8 [/td1] [td2] Business Site, PHP, Jquery, Admin-panel [/td2] [td3]Dakcco [/td3]
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